Final Chapter – Tech to Connect | Efficiency & Sustainability: Exploring Cloud and IoT
16/03/2022 3:00pm - 5:00pm

What is Cloud Computing? How could it integrate with the Internet of Things to generate a one-stop solution for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the business? In the 12th Episode of the Tech to Connect Workshop, HKWTIA has invited Mr Keith Wong, Head of Digital Business and Electrical Products of Siemens Limited, Ms Carmen Law, Project Manager of FlexSystem Limited and Ms Ella To, Business Development Manager of Google Cloud to join this webinar and discuss the application of cloud computing.
Language: Cantonese with English supplemental Slides
Content of the Workshop:
– HR/Payroll technology
– Simplify and streamline payroll processes
– Cloud computing in Power Industry
– Development of low voltage components
For more information and to register, please visit HERE.