[IncuBio X KPMG] Business Workshop How Biotech SMEs Embrace the Growth Journey
04/12/2020 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Session 1 : Webinar on How Biotech SMEs Embrace the Growth Journey
Date: 4 Dec 2020 (Friday)
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Language: English
How to join: Zoom Webinar URL will be sent to the registrant by email before the event day -
Session 2 : 1-on-1 consultation with KPMG Team (Deadline for registration: 1 Dec by 5:30pm)
Date: 4 Dec 2020 (Friday)
Time: 3:30pm – 6:00pm (30 mins per each successful registrant)
Language: English / Cantonese / Mandarin upon request
Charge: Free of chargeRemarks:
1) Targeted for the early stage of biotech company (established less than 2 years) 2) Complex tax issues involved and planning for fundraising
3) Park companies is required to a two-page non-confidential executive summary before the event. Template will be sent to the registered companies in a separate email.
*HKSTP and KPMG will have the final selection.For more information, please click HERE.