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STEM+E Summit x EdTech Demo Day 2021

30/01/2021 10:30am - 12:30pm

Cyberport, as a flagship for Hong Kong’s digital technology industry, is committed to accelerating digital adoption and STEM Education in the education sector. Cyberport believes that EdTech contributes to the evolution of education, which is the essence of cultivating our future owners, therefore Cyberport devotedly nurtures local EdTech companies.

STEM+E Summit x EdTech Demo Day 2021 is the FIRST-EVER exploration to Cyberport EdTech Community Companies. It serves as a bridge between EdTech Innovators and Enthusiastic Educators, where refreshes educators’ eyes with ground-breaking and down-to-earth EdTech solutions and products. Ultimately, it aims to foster the school EdTech deployment and STEM Education, for the sake of optimizing flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in the process of learning and teaching.

• Feature 20+ eye-opening and implementable EdTech & STEM Education Solutions and Products
• Introduce major funding schemes to support school continuous development
• Exchange ideas and plans amongst schools and EdTech entrepreneurs

Date: 30th Jan 2021 (Sat)
Time: 10:30 – 12:30
Format: Virtual
Language: Chinese


For more information, please click HERE.


  • Start Date: 30/01/2021 10:30am

  • End Date: 30/01/2021 12:30pm


  • Cyberport


  • Physical Event
    Address: Online Event