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Innovator Farm – Prototype (2022 Intake) is now open for applications!

Join our program to rediscover different communities and beneficiaries groups, equip yourself with the knowledge of social entrepreneurship, get inspired, and share your ideas with fellow participants! More importantly, you will have the opportunity to pitch your social innovative ideas…

Banking Graduate Trainee Programme is now open for applications!

The Banking Graduate Trainee Programme (BGTP), launched by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the banking industry, will offer entry-level positions in three business / function streams: (i) fintech, (ii) green and sustainable finance, and (iii) the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) business. For more information and…

Founder Institute Hong Kong Virtual 2022 is open for applications!

The Founder Institute is the proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, the highly-structured accelerator programs have helped entrepreneurs at the earliest stages grow quickly, know what to do next, and make…


香港作為知識型經濟社會,青年人需要努力不懈、充實知識,持續學習不同技能,為社會進步作出貢獻。 事實上,社會上不少青年憑著自己獨特的技能與拼博精神,在市場開拓新商機,為社會增添新的經濟動力。然而,要令業務持續發展,必須配合具策略性的計劃,並且高瞻遠矚、務實處事,方可立足於競爭激烈的營商環境。 截止報名日期 : 2022年5月31日 欲知更多信息及報名,請點擊這裏。