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Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS)

Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS)

MHKJFS aims to support and encourage research and development (R&D) collaboration among universities, research institutes and technology enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland.

Key Features

  • Support platform and collaborative R&D projects with an element of Mainland and Hong Kong cooperation.
  • Maximum Project Duration: 24 months.
  • Industry Sponsorship: at least 10% of the total project cost for platform projects; at least 50% of the total project cost for collaborative projects.
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Rights Ownership: lead applicant for platform projects; industry co-applicant for collaborative projects if it contributes at least 50% of the total project cost.
  • R&D work of the projects must be conducted in both Hong Kong and the Mainland.
  • ITC and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) will provide funding to the Hong Kong and Mainland applicant organisations respectively, and will monitor project progress according to their own requirements.

Discover More About Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS) Scheme