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HKSTP’s Science and Technology Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)

Got an innovative tech-idea but not sure how to start your business? STEP is here to help!
Science and Technology Entrepreneur Programme (STEP) is opened for application.
Don’t miss the chance to get a HK$100K seed funding and STEP Up a New Start in a New Year!

ParticleX PropTech Global Challenge 2021 – 3rd Batch Application

Accelerating the “New Normal” in the property and real estate industry Around the world, COVID-19 has affected millions of lives, and is having a growing impact on the global economy. Organisations everywhere are facing an unpredictable and uncertain future. We…

Techstyle Impact Playbook by The Mills Fabrica

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards have grown in popularity with increasing consumer consciousness and regulations. COVID-19 has also played a huge role in accelerating the integration of ESG initiatives into business strategies. The Mills Fabrica excited to launch the…

Inno Impact青年創意實踐計劃

只有不斷創新,社會才會進步。 香港青年協會全新推出的「Inno Impact青年創意實踐計劃」,旨在鼓勵青年以各種方式關懷社會,運用創意和創新的方法協助解決社會難題,創造社會價值與影響力。 只要你準備好創變,不論是學生、在職青年、初創或社會企業家,均可申請和遞交計劃書。評審將參考「社會投資回報率」概念,獲選的5份創新創意方案,每份可獲高達20萬港元資助及支援,包括專業導師指導、場地借用、人脈網絡推薦、項目推廣等。 參加資格 1) 18-35歲之香港居民 2) 可以個人名義、小組/團體、公司名義報名參加 (如以小組/團體形式參加,主要申請人必須符合參加資格,而成員最少一半為18至35歲) (如以公司名義參加,主要申請人必須符合參加資格,公司股東最少一半為18至35歲) 申請項目 項目意念和推行形式基本上不受限制,實施期必須為2年,每半年需要遞交項目進度報告予秘書處作記錄之用。 計劃主題 「計劃」本年度優先考慮的主題範疇是: 1. 科技創新 2. 青年競爭力 3. 青年就業 4. 全健身心 For more information, please click HERE.

Join CCMF Cross-Boundary Programme – Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme

You need to follow a two-step process to apply CCMF Cross-Boundary Programme. Stage 1 – Programme application for individual First, individuals should complete and send the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme Application Form (Doc. Ref. ENC.SF.042) to us, with the…

Chinese Medicines Industry Moving Forward to Reindustrialisation

“Reindustrialisation” is just for high-end industries? Traditional industries are also in need of business upgrade towards new technologies and smart manufacturing to adapt to changing times and competiveness enhancement, as well as to retain the brand value of traditions at same time to win market.