‘Unfold your Potential!’ – Female Networking
16/06/2021 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Dear Ladies.
I am happy to announce the next event, ‘Unfold your Potential!’
An essential key to success is that we become aware of our abilities and what prevents us from living our full potential.
‘Why is my business not running well?’ ‘I am dissatisfied with my job, but I also don’t know what to do.’ ‘Why are others more successful than me, even though I invest so much effort?’
These and other questions may have arisen in some of you but still not satisfactorily answered.
We will have a profound look in this event to find out how to bloom internally and thus externally.
Afterward, you have the opportunity to present your business/job. If you need assistance or have a question about anything regarding your job/ business, please share it with us. We are happy to support you! And we all can learn from each other. The answer to a question from someone else might be interesting for you as well.
Later you have time to mingle and connect which each other.
For those who never joined the event, here are some details:
It’s a networking and empowering group for startups or for those who want to start a new business, where you present your business. And where you can openly talk about any issues or goals.
My mission is to connect women with their business, to bring them into their potential, to support and strengthen them. I believe in propelling women forward and impacting our community for the better.
7.00 – 7:15pm mingling
from 7:15pm “Unfold your Potential!’
from 8:00pm presentation of your business
from 8:30pm on mingling and connect with each other
For more information, please click HERE.