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Pitch, Please! – Join The AHK Innovation Night Reverse Pitching Edition

German Industry and Commerce Ltd. (GIC) is a member of the global network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) with 140 offices in 92 countries and territories, our mission is to connect people, enhance bilateral partnerships and foster innovation and business growth.

From 3rd to 5th December 2019, we are bringing the Sino-German business event of the year to Shenzhen – The Greater China Xceleration Days.

To kick things off, the AHK Innovation Night on the first evening will offer a platform for corporates to present a challenge from their daily business a ‘reverse pitch/ open innovation challenge’ – and reach out to start-ups, innovators and companies that can offer an innovative solution.

Are you up to the challenge? On 30th October 2019, GIC will host a pre-selection event in Hong Kong! The winner of the AHK Innovation Night will get a free ticket (worth 4,800 RMB) to Greater China Xceleration Days and get to pitch to a wider audience of executives and government officials from both Germany and Greater China during this 3-day event in December.

Please check out the business challenges we collected from BASFSiemens MobilitySTI Group and Zama Group.

If you would like to take on this task or need more information, please send email to / by 11th October 2019 with your contact details.