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SafetyHACK 2023 – Open for application

The construction industry has been an instrumental driver of economic growth and enabler of social development, with the annual construction expenditure in Hong Kong expected to increase to over HK$300 billion in the coming years.

A core aspect of the challenge ahead is focused on the significant volume of predicted construction activity. While a healthy and growing pipeline is encouraging, the industry is faced with some deep-rooted issues: construction accidents and near-miss incidents at varying degrees of severity occur almost daily; fatal construction accidents claimed approximately 20 lives each year over the past decades. The need to improve construction safety performance is of utmost importance. An increasingly ageing construction workforce, a lag in adoption of advanced technologies, as well as being labelled one of the most expensive construction markets in the world contribute to questions surrounding the capabilities and resources available to deliver against this pipeline.

June 2 – 3, 2023
Powered by MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node and HKPC, this 2-day hackathon welcomes university students and professionals with diverse backgrounds across all disciplines. This will be an in-person program for all participants.

Join us to gain:

  • Cash prizes – Total cash prizes of HKD 50,000 will be given to the top 3 winners
  • Exclusive Mentorship & Industry Network
  • A platform to showcase innovative ideas

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until 12PM on Monday, May 29 (extended). 

Apply now to hack the future of construction safety with us! 

For more information, please click here.