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Join CCMF Cross-Boundary Programme – Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme

You need to follow a two-step process to apply CCMF Cross-Boundary Programme.

Stage 1 – Programme application for individual

First, individuals should complete and send the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme Application Form (Doc. Ref. ENC.SF.042) to us, with the required documents, before the application deadline.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to join an entrepreneurship boot camp arranged by Cyberport and the co-organisers. Individual applicants shall form a joint team during the boot camp or before Stage 2 application deadline.

Stage 2 – Joint application

For this step you will need a team of at least two members from Hong Kong and Macau or Guangdong region. At least 50% of your team members must be Hong Kong ID card holders.

Application Deadline: 4 December 2020 (GMT+8)
1st Stage-Programme application:…/cross…/cb-application-process