
Exploration of Data (EDA) & Insight Gathering

30/06/2021 7:30pm - 9:30pm

The field of Data Science is growing at a breakneck pace with new roles constantly opening up as companies begin to realize the value of understanding their own data.

You will learn from Satyajit exactly what Data Exploration means, and how to get Insights out of it. Exploration of Data is one of the most integral part of the Data Science & Analytics domain.

Topics Covered:

– Introduction about the speaker
– Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
– What is Data?
– Categorical vs Numerical data
– Handling missing values
– Outlier detection & handling outliers
– Live Use Case
– Q&A session to answer all your questions

You should take this class if:

– You are an aspiring Data Scientist
– You are looking to switch careers into Data Science
– Someone who wants to know how AI can help grow their business
– Curious about what Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI are

For more information, please click HERE.


  • 开始日期 30/06/2021 7:30pm

  • 结束日期 30/06/2021 9:30pm

  • 活动类型 研讨会/讲座


  • Xccelerate


  • 线下活动
    地址: Online Event