
工作坊, 培训

06月 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm
线下活动: Hong Kong Manufacturing Building

Hong Kong Company Basics: Formation and Maintenance

Whether you decide to use a service provider or handle matters yourself, it is important to understand what is required to set up, maintain, and manage a Hong Kong company. Join our speaker, who will help equip you with all you need to know, so you can save effort, time, and money better spent on developing your company.
07月 2021
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Venture Hours powered by WLAB

Smart City Venture Hours powered by WLAB, is a novel approach initiated by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund (AEF) to enable budding entrepreneurs and startups to network and seek expert advice. At our Smart City Venture Hours, you can pitch your ideas and receive feedbacks from the AEF team, investors and business practitioners. It allows you to gain best practice knowledge and professional advice on how to refine your business plan. You can also network with other startups to exchange ideas and seek opportunities for collaboration. We are inviting all startups within the smart city sector to join!
09月 2021
09月 2021

The Green Living DO Challenge @ WLAB

已经准备好令香港成为一个更加快乐同埋健康嘅地方? 对智慧城市、建筑、城市规划、设计、或者科技充满热诚? 好有兴趣拥有自己嘅初创企业? 如果你有答「系」,咁 The Green Living DO Challenge @ WLAB 就啱晒你喇! 我哋诚邀你免费参加一个连续两日,喺 WLAB 举办嘅 Challenge (9月4至5号)!
10月 2021
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Circular economy: lifecycle of electronic trash

Join us for a 1-hour workshop to follow the lifecycle of electronic devices. You will play a game and create the story while learning about the principles and Circular Economy and discovering the ways to close the loop. You will explore the environmental inputs & outputs at different stages of an electronic appliance’s lifecycle.
11月 2021
6:00pm - 7:30pm
线下活动: 线上

The Future of Jobs – Part 2: Active Learning and Learning Strategies

EQ Lab’s Future of Jobs series will help anybody involved in the hiring and development of talent to know exactly what they should be looking for. In this second session, we will be exploring and breaking down Active Learning and Learning Strategies.
12月 2021
7:00pm - 9:00pm

【Women In Tech】职埸工作坊:建立及规划科技行业职涯

职女企划 #01 Women in Tech 世界之大、行业之阔,WIW 职女企划带你走进不同的行业,提供渠道给会员了解更多职业面向,为人生开拓更多可能性,走得更高、更远。同时,WIW 亦把目光投向在行业中发光发亮的女性,为她们建立舞台,让更多人听到她们的声音与独特的思维观点。 是次将与 Preface Coding 合作,率先走进科技领域中,分享近期热话 —— 元宇宙(Metaverse),亦会与Futurist Lab举办工作坊,与你一同参与科技行业的职涯规划。