Hong Kong: Automatic Parking Systems in Hong Kong
03/11/2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm

This CPD seminar provided by Ir Chan Chi Ming Antonio, Deputy Managing Director of REC Engineering Group will cover the following:
In 2017 and 2018 Government Policy Address, the Chief Executive had already pointed out the shortage of parking spaces in Hong Kong. A series of short and medium to long-term measures to increase parking spaces in various districts will be implemented. The measures include providing more parking spaces in “Government, Institution or Community” facilities and public open spaces projects in line with single site, multiple use principle. In 2019 Policy address, the government would be taking forward pilot projects of Automatic Parking Systems.
We are glad to be involved in the first pilot project of such kind offering extra 8-space from a 5-space parking log. With add on features including an advance booking system, this pilot project has opened up more opportunities in solving the parking spaces problem in Hong Kong. In addition, different types of system for different applications will also be shared in order to allow the audience more knowledge about their particular choice.
For more information, please click HERE.