

10月 2020
12:30pm - 1:30pm
線下活動: 線上

Tech recruitment landscape & outlook during the pandemic

2020 has introduced a new way of working, remote collaboration between professionals has become the new normal. How has the job of recruiters changed during this time? Which are the most wanted profiles during the pandemic? How confident are companies to recruit someone remotely? How would these changes provide opportunities to adtech, digital marketing, and communications talent like yourself?
10月 2020
10月 2020
3:00pm - 4:00pm
線下活動: 線上

Webinar: Grasp Business Opportunities in East Africa

DATE: 16/10/2020, 3:00pm-4:00pm COUNTRY / REGION: Hong Kong FORMAT: Seminar & Workshop LANGUAGE: Cantonese (No simultaneous interpretation service provided) SPEAKER Mr Daniel Lam Regional Director, Middle East & Africa, HKTDC Ms Melissa Ho Economist (Asian and Emerging Markets), Research Department,…
10月 2020
11:00am - 12:00pm
線下活動: 線上


面對新冠肺炎疫情,除了要高度注意個人衛生外,心理及情緒健康亦不容忽視,如何利用創新科技舒緩情緒? 香港科技園公司生物醫藥群組及TecONE將聯同Mind HK,臨床專家和科學園夥伴公司 科德施基因有限公司,為大家呈獻 “抗疫心靈雞湯與科技發展 ‧ 網上分享會” ,探討以上話題。內容豐富,切勿錯過!
10月 2020
2:00pm - 4:00pm
線下活動: 線上

Feel the Motion Industry Sharing

The Industry Sharing and Master Talks introduce creatives with potentials to the world of motion design and prepare them for practical application in the Accelerator Workshops.
10月 2020
3:00pm - 4:00pm
線下活動: 線上

WeStart HK x ChatDaddy: 如何用一個WhatsApp Message做到一百萬生意

疫情肆虐下,網上營商成為中小企業經營新常態。網店平台五花八門,除了營運外更要妥善推廣。網絡營銷從傳統社交平台進展到日常生活不可或缺的即時通訊軟件,利用香港人最常用的WhatsApp可帶來甚麼商機?受到HSBC VisionGo電商成長學院邀請,WeStart HK聯同社群成員ChatDaddy,將與你分享中小企業商家運用網店WhatsApp自動化軟件的要訣、WhatsApp的營商技巧和實用工具。想了解聊天機械人或使用WhatsApp營銷的中小企業及營銷人員千萬不要錯過! 
10月 2020
線下活動: 線上

Start and grow your fashion retail and F&B business in Hong Kong and Macao

UK Department for International Trade, InvestHK, JAC Lawyers and Hawksford invite you to a webinar discussing new opportunities in Hong Kong’s retail sector during and beyond Covid-19. Join our webinar and hear from experts about Hong Kong and Macao Economic…
10月 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm
線下活動: 線上

做電商前必知嘅 7 大User Experience (UX) Design 概念 | 加開場

全球陷入疫症危機,行過銅鑼灣尖沙咀,見到嘅唔再係人煙稠密,反而係「旺鋪招租」。但係有危就有機,疫情令到好多中小企業紛紛走入電商世界。呢種顛覆傳統,嶄新嘅營商模式,打破左地域限制,可以衝出香港,走向國際市場。 上次我哋同大家分享左: 全球最大型電商亞馬遜 Amazon 嘅成功要素 做電商前必知嘅 7 大UX概念 點樣利用數據分析購物行為,提高轉換率 用UX角度同您分析電商成敗因素 反應熱烈,有過百名人士登記,亦表示想更加深入了解。所以我哋今次決定加開一場加強版本,延續上次嘅內容。同大家深入淺出,解決大家有關電商嘅UX問題。 欲知更多信息,請點擊這裏。
10月 2020
9:30am - 1:00pm
線下活動: Conference Hall, HKPC Building , 線上

零售創新會議:重塑零售 重燃商機

10月 2020
4:00pm - 5:30pm

HK Startups Meet Multinational Companies Series – Session 6: Build

“HK Startups Meet Multinational Companies Series” is an ongoing series of meetings, showcasing Inspiration, connecting start-ups with corporates, and building a successful, sustainable innovation community in Hong Kong. Hong Kong implemented one of the most successful COVID-19 contact tracing programs…