
AI Robotics Vision and Automation Technology Challenges Competition

HKU SAAS Data Science Lab of the Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong is organizing an AI robotics vision and automation technology challenges competition for secondary school/undergraduate/graduated students, and companies. It is sponsored/supported by Kinth Technology Ltd and other industrial partners. The aim of this competition is to promote development of artificial intelligence (AI) robotics vision and automation technologies at the school level and the industry level. The competition encourages students and companies to develop innovative AI robotics solutions with AI, data science and statistical tools for solving current hot topics/problems in robotics vision and automation. The competition also serves as a platform for local secondary schools, institutions, and industries to share knowledge, innovation and experience on the application of AI robotics technologies for solving business problems, enhancing businesses’ competitiveness, and creating business insights for industries in social science, smart city, healthcare, education, and Internet of Things (IoT).

For more information, please click HERE.