

06月 2020
3:00pm - 5:00pm

[Webinar] 5G 技術系列:5G時代改寫工廠未來

性質與目標 5G技術近年成為工業界炙手可熱的課題,由於5G技術擁有傳輸速度快、低延遲的優點,發展潛力龐大,適用於遠端操控、機械人調度、自動化控制等工業領域,因此5G已成為新一代智能工廠的必備技術。今次網絡研討會的主題包括傳統工廠生產流程介紹,工業4.0技術及流程優化, 5G技術應用等。現場除了專家講解,還會解答技術開發和轉移的細節,請立即報名登記參加。 上課日期及時間 2020年6月18日 (星期四) 15:00 – 17:00 地點 網上 課程內容 5G技術概述 5G和Wifi 6 5G全球趨勢及未來 5G行業應用及影響 工業4.0概述 工業4.0工廠個案分析 HKPC 技術開發 費用 驚喜優惠HKD 295 (5月19日或之前) 早鳥優惠HKD 345 (5月31日或之前) 正價HKD 400 授課語言 廣東話授課 講者 劉君賢博士 香港生產力促進局智能製造及內地業務顧問 過往15年從事手機和無線智能產品硬件開發和生產的工作。 郭進先生 香港生產力促進局智能製造及內地業務工程主任 從事IOT產品硬件開發和生產的工作。 For…
06月 2020
4:00pm - 5:30pm
線下活動: 線上

Smart-Space Startup Exchange: Robotics Process Automation (RPA) 101: Building Your First Bot

Date:  18 Jun 2020 (Thur) Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Format: Zoom Meeting Language: English Topics: – Overview: What exactly is Intelligent automation (IA)/RPA? – The IA/RPA market: players, solutions, trends – #AutomateOrBeAutomated: getting started in your own IA/RPA journey –…
06月 2020
3:00pm - 4:30pm
線下活動: 線上

HKQAA Online Seminar: BUD Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales; and Technology Voucher Programme – Optimization Measures and Application

HKQAA Online Seminar: BUD Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales; and Technology Voucher Programme – Optimization Measures and Application BUD專項基金〈發展品牌、升級轉型、拓展內銷〉;及科技券 優化措施及申請 – 網上介紹會 背景 香港特區政府於2012年推出一項總值10億元的「發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展內銷市場的專項基金」〈簡稱「BUD」〉,期後並推出「東盟計劃」及加入自貿經濟體,資助個別香港企業推行有關發展品牌、升級轉型和拓展內銷的項目。另一方面,於2016年推出科技券計劃〈簡稱「TVP」〉,協助企業善用科技加強長遠競爭力。 資助範圍 與項目直接有關的支出〈例如BUD購買機器設備、展位場租、舉辦或參與推廣活動等;TVP購買科技系統〉均可獲資助。而BUD甚至資助企業日常營運的費用(如新聘僱員的薪金、新開設的辦公室租金、等等〉。 資助金額範圍 BUD資助按對等原則提供,即政府最多資助個別項目總核准開支的50%,每家企業最多獲資助400萬元;而TVP的政府出資比例為75%,每家企業最多獲資助60萬元。 詳情 日期:2020年6月22日 (星期一) 時間:下午3:00 – 4:30 地點:網上會議 (成功參加者將於電郵收到會議連結通知) 費用:免費 語言:粵語…
06月 2020
7:30pm - 9:00pm
線下活動: 線上

Data Engineering with Python and SQL Trial Class | Xccelerate

Have you heard people talk about data engineers and wonder what it is they do? Do you know what data engineers do but you’re not sure how to become one yourself? Dealing with big data is a fundamental problem many…
06月 2020
線下活動: 線上

E-commerce Academy 電商成長學院

We have various experts sharing with you their eCommerce knowledge through webinars, so you can access to practical skills on operating business online for free! -SEO and digital marketing -influencer marketing -legal knowledge -retail trend -exploring overseas market More Webinars…
06月 2020

Startup Grind: Building Agile Companies – Adapting to the rapid change of 2020

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “The only thing that is constant is change”, and right now we are living in a very changed world. In the last few months, a lot of the changes have been bad, but we hope…
06月 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm
線下活動: 線上

Bite Sized Linkedin #6: Spy on Your Competition With Linkedin

Sometimes you might need to do some ‘research’ on LinkedIn: Maybe check out a Hiring Managers profile before the interview, learn more about your boss, client, or spy on your competitor. LinkedIn offers you a way to do this without…
06月 2020
6:00pm - 9:00pm

Inno Night II by Innospot – 創‧聚 (第二季)

創‧聚 (第二季) (Inno Night II by Innospot) 6月24號晚上六時至九時約定你 可親身到現場或透過Zoom網上直播參與 入場時間: 6:00pm – 9:00pm Zoom網上直播參與: 購買入場券後,我們會有專人透過電郵發Zoom登入連結給閣下。 直播時間: 7:00pm – 9:00pm 聚會,疫情過後,特別珍貴! 今次我們找來三位夠薑敢創的嘉賓,來跟我們分享他們的創造歷程,非常貼地。另外,出席者更可以和Innospot CEO交流對話。由零到有的初創精神,到經營生意,是一門學問。逆境中,創造者和初創企業家怎樣計劃未來,堅持信念,逆流而上? 我們為您一一探討。 嘉賓: Hayley Charlotte – 布藝設計師 曾繁傑先生 – Silver Bun 創辦人之一 高國輝先生 – 堡柏紅酒創辦人 Michael Wong – Innospot…
07月 2020
6:30pm - 7:30pm
線下活動: 線上

Takeoff Your Business – Grow And Scale Your Business With Ease

Regardless of the industry, digitalisation and mobility are the common factors of their success. The government has further eased the social restriction in Hong Kong, meaning that the business recovery will get up to speed in no time. The social…
07月 2020
10:00am - 11:00am

Webinar: Open Innovation 4 Good by Agorize

From the first open innovation challenge in 1714 to today’s hackathons around Covid-19, this webinar will showcase how humankind has tackled some of its biggest challenges through open innovation. We will walk you through both local and global initiatives that…