
HKCS Webinar Series – Pick the right path and become an intelligent and sustainable enterprise in the cloud

26/04/2022 12:30pm - 1:30pm

For most companies, deciding to digitalize and become an intelligent, cloud-enabled enterprise is the easy part. In an increasingly unpredictable economy, the real challenge is finding a way to do it quickly, cost-effectively and sustainably!

Learn how you can achieve major milestones, such as:

• Adding the flexibility to address disruptions like COVID and respond to changes in customer behaviour, without high upfront investments.
• Increasing revenue with new business models and reducing time to market for new products and services
• Creating lucrative cross sell/up sell opportunities
• And improving the top line and creating a sustainable growth engine to embrace emerging opportunities



  • 開始日期 26/04/2022 12:30pm

  • 結束日期 26/04/2022 1:30pm

  • 活動類型 網絡研討會


  • 香港電腦學會


  • 線上
    地址: Online Event