
Popular Science Lecture: Knowledge Beyond Boundaries

17/03/2022 11:00am - 12:30pm

With a series of world-class researchers as speakers, this online science talk will make deep topics fun and comprehensible. Join us to unfold the latest scientific discoveries and technological innovations in an interesting and easy-to-understanding way, see how cutting-edge research addresses some of the most pressing issues nowadays and contributes to the betterment of society.


Solving a 266-year-old Challenge – Efficient Liquid Cooling over 1,000°C │ Professor Wang Zuankai

Skin & Robotic VR and the Metaverse │ Dr Yu Xinge

Animal – Human Transmission of Covid-19 │ Professor Vanessa Barrs

Mathematical Modelling and Applications in Covid-19 │ Dr Sean Yuan Hsiang-yu

For more information, please visit HERE.
To register, please visit HERE.


  • 開始日期 17/03/2022 11:00am

  • 結束日期 17/03/2022 12:30pm

  • 活動類型 網絡研討會


  • Research and Technology, City University of Hong Kong


  • 線上
    地址: Online Event