
Why learn Python in 2022? | Intro to Python – FREE Trial Class

27/01/2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Want to learn a new skill that will open up new opportunities and help you solve problems?

Python is one of the easiest and most powerful coding languages to learn. You can write programs, develop a website, create a game, manage data – and so much more – with basic Python skills. No matter your job function or industry, Python is a valuable tool you can utilise to solve problems.

In this FREE Python Trial Class, our expert instructor will guide you through these topics:

– Intro and the fundamentals of coding
– Applications of Python
– Simple and fun coding exercise led by our expert instructor
– Q&A and Discussion: Career opportunities and tips to start your career in tech

This trial class will give you a taste of what you can expect to learn in our part-time Introduction to Python course. Coding background is not necessary, absolute beginners are welcomed!

Hybrid Event (Online & In-Person)
Language: English

For more information, please click HERE.


  • 開始日期 27/01/2022 7:00pm

  • 結束日期 27/01/2022 8:30pm

  • 活動類型 工作坊


  • Xccelerate


  • 線上
    地址: Online Event
  • Xccelerate New Campus
    地址: 3/F, Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong